JC Report features PSFK

The latest issue features Piers Fawkes of PSFK and asks for his opinion on the intersection of fashion, trends and technology.
"We're finding that fashion spreads beyond apparel in more and more ways. Before we may have had our clothes, our car, and our house. Now we also have the other objects in our life to wrap around us and make definitive statements about who we are. Our phone, our PDA, our iPod, our furniture, our vacation reflect who we are — and in today's world we have access to these articles in a way we never had before. As such, we demand products that fit with our lifestyle (or the lifestyle we imagine or aspire to have) from wherever they are available in the world — this impacts product design, packaging, and retail experience."
Tags: Fashion, Trends
posted by Henry Lambert at Saturday, December 31, 2005

Flavorpill F-List

"Think of it as an A-List of up-and-comers: our newest tradition, the F-List is Flavorpill's snapshot of emergent cultural happenings, both offline and on. It's your guide to the artists, trends, and technologies that have already shaped the way we think in 2005, and will have still more impact in 2006 and beyond."
Tags: flist, trends2006
posted by Henry Lambert at Friday, December 30, 2005

Microsoft/IDSA Design Competition

The whole concept of asking outsiders to contribute to your brands R&D has been around for a long time. However, it seems to really add some fresh thinking to often uninspiring sectors.
via Engadget
Tags: Design
posted by Henry Lambert at Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Founded in 1995 by a couple of skaters and outdoor sports lovers, Howies never try to be 'cool', just good, honsest and thought provoking.
Their website is one of the best around and the clothes are right up there too.
Tags: howies
posted by Henry Lambert at Friday, December 16, 2005

Blowback Magazine

The writing is to the point and obviously the work of twenty somethings, as they make obscure late 80s references.
The design is lovely and the allround feel of the magazine is that of quality. My only qualm was the lack of features in the December issue.
Tags: Magazines
posted by Henry Lambert at Friday, December 16, 2005

Trends for 2006

1. Vodcasting to take off and spawn advercasting - thanks to the iPod, PSP and increasing
2. Krumping to dominate the hip hop scene and lead to companies tying in with product and merchandise lines
3. Death of CDs / portable media to become increasingly obsolete -
4. Year of the media centre (brought about by the Xbox 360 and PSP) - Mac will surely consolidate it's forays into the home entertainment market and produce a lifestyle media centre, they may not lead the charge
5. Year of the Longtail - someone will launch a killer long tail company and the book will be launched in spring
6. Web 2.0 to develop and it become the norm to create online content
7. Google to keep pushing the boundaries of free ad supported content
8. First wi-fi cities in Europe and the first Google wi-fi city
9. More and more brands moving their ad budgets online and into new media - as the audience for TV fragments with timeshifting
10. Major TV networks to provide downloads of their programming - this is already beginning to happen
11. Bit Torrent to become massive and mainstream through adoption by mainstream media companies
12. Eco trend to become more forceful - companies will HAVE to have a green/sustainable product
13. Simplification - increasingly there will be fewer choices (to make our lives easier) but increased personalisation. New things will be simple to use and simple to buy (eg iPod) whilst we will personalise our lives by buying second hand goods and be prepared to spend more on rarities, one-offs and customised items
14. Advergaming to be huge
15. More virtual games, becoming full time jobs for people - in the same way that for some, blogging has become their sole employment
If anyone disagrees or thinks I've missed something major, let me know here.
Tags: Trends2006
posted by Henry Lambert at Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Tags: squidoo
posted by Henry Lambert at Monday, December 12, 2005

PSFK T-shirts

You can order them here and do some cool things with them, maybe even mash them up.
Tags: psfk, tshirt
posted by Henry Lambert at Thursday, December 08, 2005

Tube Time Travel

Oskar Karlin has produced this map of the London Underground and it works out the distance of stations in time all from his nearest station, Elephant and Castle. The full story is here. Nice site Oskar.
Tags: Design
posted by Henry Lambert at Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Power of Dreams

I saw the new Honda 'film' for the first time last night and was blown away. We've mentioned on this site before (here & here) that advertising is not just about entertaining the audience, it's about selling a product.
The best ads do both.
The new Honda campaign is cut from the finest advertising cloth. There's a story within the ad, there's the brand story, and then there are the product stories. But the beauty of this is that they are all the same story, The Power of Dreams.
Watching the film with the sound turned up you feel as though Honda are actually tugging at your heart strings - throughout you're captivated by a bald man singing Andy Williams and driving the most mundane to the most exciting Honda products.
If you follow the call to action and check out the website you get rewarded with the opportunity to discover the deeper stories behind Honda's dream for each product as it rams home just how innovative a company Honda are. If you showed an ad exec a Honda Super Cub to sell they'd probably run a mile (it's hardly the most glamorous of products after all). But using the history and heritage of the product you realise that this vehicle has a place in history and that you actually quite fancy one.
It's not often that a company comes up with such a powerful line as 'The Power of Dreams' and has the belief in themselves to actually back it 110%. The recent Honda work has been excellent, not only from an entertainment perspective but also from a product perspective. Every step of the way you are staring at the product and slowly but surely deciding that you want one.
This campaign isn't particularly innovative or 'breakthrough'. It doesn't use media in an exciting new way, it's just a damn fine piece of advertising.
Tags: honda, advert
posted by Henry Lambert at Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Marvin Gaye & Massive Attack Mash-up

Tags: Music, mashup
posted by Henry Lambert at Monday, December 05, 2005


Put in your favourite beat combo/diva/troubadour and it finds similar stuff for you to listen to on your computer.
Very good.
Tags: pandora